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bcv (
bcv (Mwd)Jer44:19
UCP 12019.12.21-1
UCP desc 1Add dagesh=mapiq to final he (הּ).
UCP 22020.07.16-1
UCP desc 2Add rafe to final he (הֿ), add note 'c'.
UCP 32021.03.04-1
UCP desc 3Remove dagesh from final he, change note from 'c' to 't'.
auto descadd dagesh/mapiq/shuruq-dot to the second he
diff typeadd dagesh, mapiq, or shuruq dot: ולְרׇחְבָ֑ה to וּלְרׇחְבָּ֑הּ
col-guess-and-line-guess3 23.7

UXLC rejected this WLC change, in the end.

I advise WLC to follow UXLC and revert this change in a future version because the mapiq is likely an artifact. UXLC has a rafeh on the ה in question. UXLC arrived at this with a bit of back-and-forth: 3 changes. Change 1 added the mapiq, change 2 added the rafeh, and change 3 removed the mapiq, with the net result that only a rafeh remains.